
A BOUT++ extension for full annular tokamak edge MHD and turbulence simulations. (English) Zbl 1528.76064

Summary: For tokamak edge plasma simulation, a plasma simulation framework BOUT++ employs a dual coordinate system to simulate moderate-\(n\) and high-\(n\) plasma instability with reasonable computational cost, where \(n\) is the toroidal mode number. This coordinate system however limits the computational domain to the toroidal wedge (full torus divided into \(N\) parts in the toroidal direction) for computational efficiency and the use of flute-ordering approximation in the field solver calculating the flow potential from the vorticity which may not be valid for low-\(n\) modes. Improving numerical treatment of low-\(n\) modes is however indispensable to address simulations of low-\(n\) current-driven edge localized mode (ELM), ELM control by resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs), edge turbulence with RMPs and so on. In this work, BOUT++ is extended to simulate the interplay between \(n = 0\), low-\(n\) and high-\(n\) plasma components in a full annular tokamak edge domain through hybrid modeling of the flow potential and the vorticity. Low-\(n\) modes of flow potential are calculated in an orthogonal flux surface coordinate and high-\(n\) modes in the dual coordinate system separately in Fourier space. The proposed scheme can capture an interplay between \(n = 1\) global modes and high-\(n\) turbulence during pedestal collapse in a full annular torus domain with a circular cross section.


76M99 Basic methods in fluid mechanics
76W05 Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics
76X05 Ionized gas flow in electromagnetic fields; plasmic flow
76F99 Turbulence


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