
On hop-constrained Steiner trees in tree-like metrics. (English) Zbl 07537556

Summary: We consider the problem of computing a Steiner tree of minimum cost under a hop constraint that requires the depth of the tree to be at most \(k\). Our main result is an exact algorithm for metrics induced by graphs with bounded treewidth that runs in time \(n^{O(k)}\). For the special case of a path, we give a simple algorithm that solves the problem in polynomial time, even if \(k\) is part of the input. The main result can be used to obtain, in quasi-polynomial time, a near-optimal solution that violates the \(k\)-hop constraint by at most one hop for more general metrics induced by graphs of bounded highway dimension and bounded doubling dimension. For nonmetric graphs, we rule out an \(o(\log n)\)-approximation, assuming \(\mathrm{P} \neq \mathrm{NP}\) even when relaxing the hop constraint by any additive constant.


68R10 Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science
05C05 Trees
05C12 Distance in graphs
05C85 Graph algorithms (graph-theoretic aspects)
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
90C27 Combinatorial optimization


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