
On some Hamiltonian properties of the isomonodromic tau functions. (English) Zbl 1408.30036

Summary: We discuss some new aspects of the theory of the Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno tau function which have come to light within the recent developments in the global asymptotic analysis of the tau functions related to the Painlevé equations. Specifically, we show that up to the total differentials the logarithmic derivatives of the Painlevé tau functions coincide with the corresponding classical action differential. This fact simplifies considerably the evaluation of the constant factors in the asymptotics of tau functions, which has been a long-standing problem of the asymptotic theory of Painlevé equations. Furthermore, we believe that this observation is yet another manifestation of L. D. Faddeev’s emphasis of the key role which the Hamiltonian aspects play in the theory of integrable system.


30D30 Meromorphic functions of one complex variable (general theory)
34M03 Linear ordinary differential equations and systems in the complex domain


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