
A web basis of invariant polynomials from noncrossing partitions. (English) Zbl 1504.05023

Specht modules \(S^\lambda\), indexed by integer partitions \(\lambda\), are irreducible complex representations of symmetric groups \(S_n\). There are many different ways to construct Specht modules. These various constructions yield distinct linear bases of \(S^\lambda\). An important construction of the Specht module might be the class of global sections of a line bundle on a partial flag variety. In this case, standard monomial theory endows each \(S^\lambda\) with a natural basis of polynomials, encoded by standard Young tableaux of shape \(\lambda\). In special cases, this realization of \(S^\lambda\) has also a remarkable basis, consisting of a different set of invariant polynomials, encoded by planar diagrams called webs.
From the authors’ abstract: “Particularly powerful are web bases, which make important connections with cluster algebras and quantum link invariants. Unfortunately, web bases are only known in very special cases – essentially, only the cases \(\lambda=(d,d)\) and \(\lambda=(d,d,d)\). Building on work of B. Rhoades [J. Algebr. Comb. 45, No. 1, 81–127 (2017; Zbl 1355.05280)], we construct an apparent web basis of invariant polynomials for the \(2\)-parameter family of Specht modules with \(\lambda\) of the form \((d,d,1^l)\). The planar diagrams that appear are noncrossing set partitions, and we thereby obtain geometric interpretations of earlier enumerative results in combinatorial dynamics.”


05E10 Combinatorial aspects of representation theory
05A18 Partitions of sets
20C30 Representations of finite symmetric groups


Zbl 1355.05280


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