
Application of high dimensional B-spline interpolation in solving the gyro-kinetic Vlasov equation based on semi-Lagrangian method. (English) Zbl 1488.76114

Summary: The computation efficiency of high dimensional (3D and 4D) B-spline interpolation, constructed by classical tensor product method, is improved greatly by precomputing the B-spline function. This is due to the character of NLT code, i.e. only the linearised characteristics are needed so that the unperturbed orbit as well as values of the B-spline function at interpolation points can be precomputed at the beginning of the simulation. By integrating this fixed point interpolation algorithm into NLT code, the high dimensional gyro-kinetic Vlasov equation can be solved directly without operator splitting method which is applied in conventional semi-Lagrangian codes. In the Rosenbluth-Hinton test, NLT runs a few times faster for Vlasov solver part and converges at about one order larger time step than conventional splitting code.


76M99 Basic methods in fluid mechanics
76X05 Ionized gas flow in electromagnetic fields; plasmic flow
82D10 Statistical mechanics of plasmas


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