
Mathematical aspects of concept analysis. (English) Zbl 0885.06001

In this article the author provides a survey of results related to the mathematical aspects of concept analysis.
In an introductory section 1, the subject matter and the basic terminology of contexts, Galois connections, and concepts are introduced. Section 2 contains results about the algebraic problems that arise from the lattice nature of the set of all concepts, in particular, results on the decomposition of concept lattices into smaller ones. Section 3 deals with applications of concepts in data analysis, in particular, on methods of search for dependences between attributes. Algorithmic problems of concept generation are studied in section 4. These include the study of the complexity of enumeration, decision, and classification problems relating to concepts. Section 5 surveys results on the Zarankiewicz problem.
There is an extensive bibliography at the end of the article (100 titles).
A reader with an interest in this article might also consult the book: Formale Begriffsanalyse (1996; Zbl 0861.06001) by B. Ganter and R. Wille.
Reviewer: M.Höft (Dearborn)


06-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to ordered structures
06B23 Complete lattices, completions
06B99 Lattices


Zbl 0861.06001
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