
A controller synthesis framework for automated service composition. (English) Zbl 1441.93082

Summary: Nowadays, Web services allow interoperability among distributed software applications deployed on different platforms and architectures which in effect plays a major role in electronic businesses. Web services allow organizations to carry out certain business activities automatically and in a distributed fashion. However, in some circumstances, a single service is not able to perform a certain task and it becomes imperative to compose two or more services in order to complete it. Thus, a key research challenge in this field is the problem of automatic service composition. Several approaches exist that tackle the problem of automatic service composition, however, the task of generating provably correct Web service compositions still remains a challenging and complex task. In this paper, we develop a formal framework for modeling Web service compositions based on supervisory control theory (SCT) of discrete-event systems. We model services that exchange messages and exhibit nondeterministic behaviours. The objective is to synthesize a supervisor which interacts with a given set of Web services through messages to guarantee that a given specification is satisfied. A key novelty of this work is the application of control theory to service-oriented computing and the incorporation of run-time input into the supervisor generation process. First, we describe a novel supervisory control framework for automated composition of Web services. The framework employs labelled transition systems equipped with guards and data variables to model Web services and provides a technique to synthesize a controller. We model the interactions of services asynchronously and we use the guards and data variables to allow us to express certain preconditions which are then propagated from the system requirements through the overall composite service. Second, we develop a set of algorithms to generate a controller satisfying a given functional requirement also specified as a labelled transition system equipped with guards and data variables. Besides the standard disabling and enabling of events, the generated controller in our framework has the ability to enforce certain events based on run-time information to drive the system towards its goal. In addition, the controller is able to impose restrictions on the kind of data that can be sent or received by services. This includes the automatic generation of stronger guards or preconditions which impose restrictions on which path to take during execution. Lastly, we state a theorem capturing the existence of a controller and provide a proof to demonstrate the correctness of the proposed approach.


93B50 Synthesis problems
93C65 Discrete event control/observation systems
93B05 Controllability
93-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to systems and control theory


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