
Exploring Tsallis holographic dark energy scenario in \(f(R, T)\) gravity. (English) Zbl 07833874

Summary: In this paper we have analysed Tsallis holographic dark energy in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model under the framework of \(f(R, T)\) gravity. The effects of this model in a non interactive universe are studied by taking different IR cut-offs that include particle horizon, event horizon, conformal age of the universe and GO (Granda-Oliveros) horizon. The cosmic evolution is studied by determining the conventional cosmological tools including the density parameter \(\Omega_{DE}\), equation of state parameter \(\omega_{DE}\) and the deceleration parameter \(q\). We have analysed the impact of these parameters by assuming different values for the matter-curvature coupling constant \(\lambda\) and the Tsallis parameter \(\delta\). We observe that all our four models exhibit appropriate behavior for the system parameters and support the accelerated expansion mode described by phantom-like scenario. Stability was only achieved for event horizon (partially) based on the speed of sound \(v_s^2\). Furthermore we examined the behavior of our model by using various diagnostic mechanisms such as \(\omega_{DE} - \omega_{DE}^\prime\) analysis, statefinder pair \((r, s)\), \(Om\) diagnostic and statefinder hierarchy \(S_3^{(1)}\) and \(S_4^{(1)}\). The trajectories of the \(\omega_{DE} - \omega_{DE}^\prime\) show a transition from freezing to thawing region, whereas \(r\)-\(s\) plane corresponds to a phase shift between Chaplygin gas model and quintessence model for particle and event horizon and solely Chaplygin gas model for conformal age and quintessence for GO-horizon. \(Om\) parameter also supports the quintessence era while statefinder hierarchy distinguishes our model effectively from the \(\Lambda\)CDM model and demonstrates the distinctive nature of all our models.


83Fxx Relativistic cosmology
83Cxx General relativity
83Dxx Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
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