
Analytical study of the load transfer in fibre-reinforced 2D composite materials. (English) Zbl 1169.74369

Summary: The phenomenon of the load diffusion from a fibre to a surrounding matrix is analysed for the 2D case. We use an approximate analytical approach based on the asymptotic reduction of the governing biharmonic problem into two harmonic problems. The comparison of the obtained solutions with known results of other authors shows an acceptable accuracy of the proposed asymptotic simplifications. All solutions are obtained in closed analytical form.
The case of perfect bonding between fibre and matrix for a single fibre and for a periodic system of fibres is firstly considered. Then we study the influence of the interface stiffness. In the case when only a single fibre is loaded, the influence of all other fibres is predicted by means of a three-phase model. The proposed approach gives a possibility to solve the problems for a broken fibre and for a broken matrix, as well as for partly debonded fibres. The important problem of infinite matrix cracks is also solved in the present paper.
The obtained results can be used for the calculation of pull-out and push-out tests, as well as for the investigation of the fracture of composite materials.


74E30 Composite and mixture properties
74G10 Analytic approximation of solutions (perturbation methods, asymptotic methods, series, etc.) of equilibrium problems in solid mechanics
74G05 Explicit solutions of equilibrium problems in solid mechanics
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