
Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces. (English) Zbl 1200.47035

Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 974, v, 74 p. (2010).
Given an analytic self-map \(\phi:\mathbb D\to \mathbb D\), the composition operator \(C_\phi\) is defined by \(C_\phi(f)(z)=f(\phi(z))\). This operator is continuous on various spaces of analytic functions (Hardy spaces, Bergman spaces, Bloch, BMOA, Dirichlet spaces, etc.) and one area of research consists in analysing properties of the symbol \(\phi\) which allow to get extra properties on the operator \(C_\phi\) such as compactness, weak compactness, order boundedness, nuclearity, being \(p\)-summing, and many others.
The monograph under review is devoted to composition operators acting on Hardy-Orlicz and Bergman-Orlicz spaces and to study several of their properties on these spaces. By an Orlicz function, the authors understand \(\Psi:[0,\infty]\to [0,\infty]\) non-decreasing continuous, strictly convex such that \(\Psi(0)=0\) and \( \lim_{x\to \infty}\Psi(x)/x=\infty\). The monograph contains a chapter devoted to establish several “growth” conditions and regularity conditions on the Orlicz function \(\Phi\) which play a role in the sequel. Those which are mainly used are the classical \(\Delta_2\), meaning \(\Psi(2x)\leq K\Psi(x)\) for \(x\) large enough, and \(\Delta^2\), meaning \(\Psi(x)^2\leq \Psi(\alpha x)\) for some \(\alpha>1\) and \(x\) large enough. As usual, they differentiate between \(L^\Psi\) and the closure of \(L^\infty\) in \(L^\Psi\) denoted by \(M^\Psi\).
Chapter 3 contains the definition of the space \(H^\Psi\) defined by either analytic functions using \(L^\Psi\) norms of the restrictions \(f_r\) being bounded, or using Poisson integrals of functions defined at the boundary and whose negative Fourier coefficient vanish. Similarly, the space \(HM^\psi\) is also considered when \(L^\Psi\) is replaced by \(M^\Psi\). As in the classical spaces, they show that the Littlewood subordination principle also provides a proof of the continuity of the operator \(C_\varphi\) acting on \(H^\Psi\) spaces. They completely characterize the order bounded composition operators and show that compactness and weak compactness are equivalent in this context under the \(\Delta^2\)-condition.
An interesting example of a symbol such that \(C_\varphi\) is order bounded in \(M^\Psi\) but not \(p\)-summing for any \(p\) is provided.
Chapter 4 is devoted to Carleson measures in the setting of composition operators acting on Hardy-Orlicz spaces and its interplay with compactness. First, the authors present a result showing that two analytic functions \(\varphi_1\) and \(\varphi_2\) whose boundary values have the same modulus for which \( C_{\varphi_1}\) is compact in \(H^2\) but \( C_{\varphi_2}\) is not. They actually observe that in some cases (assuming injectivity and \(\phi_2(a)=0\) for some \(a\in \mathbb D\)) the compactness is passed from \(C_{\varphi_1}\) to \(C_{\varphi_2}\). One basic result of this chapter establishes that, if \(C_\varphi\) is compact on \(H^\Psi\) then it is also in \(H^2\), but the converse it is not true, at least under some conditions on \(\Psi\). They modify the notion of Carleson measure accordingly to the \(\Psi\)-Carleson measure and show that the corresponding “little-oh” condition characterizes compactness in this case. In the last chapter, they analyse similar problems for Bergman-Orlicz spaces.


47B33 Linear composition operators
46E30 Spaces of measurable functions (\(L^p\)-spaces, Orlicz spaces, Köthe function spaces, Lorentz spaces, rearrangement invariant spaces, ideal spaces, etc.)
47-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to operator theory


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