
On Newman and Littlewood polynomials with a prescribed number of zeros inside the unit disk. (English) Zbl 1461.11141

A pair \((k,n)\) \(\in \mathbb{N}^{2},\) where \(1\leq k\leq n-1,\) is said to be Newman (resp. Littlewood)-admissible, if there is a \(\{0,1\}\) (resp. a \( \{-1,1\})\)-polynomial of degree \(n,\) having \(k\) zeros with modulus less than \(1,\) and no zero of modulus \(1.\)
Certain classes of Newman (resp. Littlewood)-admissible pairs have been determined in [K. Mukunda, J. Number Theory 117, No. 1, 106–121 (2006; Zbl 1095.11049); Can. Math. Bull. 53, No. 1, 140–152 (2010; Zbl 1227.11110); P. Borwein et al., Can. J. Math. 67, No. 3, 507–526 (2015; Zbl 1320.11097)], and the authors of the paper under review continue to investigate others sets of these pairs. Mainly, they show that any \((k,n)\) with \(n\geq 7\) and \(3\leq k\leq n-3\) is Newman-admissible. On the way to this goal, they answer a question of D. W. Boyd from [Lond. Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser. 109, 159–170 (1986; Zbl 0593.12001)] about the smallest degree \(\{0,1\}\)-polynomial having a modulus greater than \(2\) on the unit circle. Also, they identify all pairs \((k,n)\) which are Newman-admissible for \(n\leq 35,\) and conjecture that \((2,n)\) is not Newman-admissible if and only if \(n\equiv 1,7,15,21,25,27\bmod 30\) and \( n\geq 21.\) Similar, but less complete results for Littlewood-admissible pairs are established.


11R06 PV-numbers and generalizations; other special algebraic numbers; Mahler measure
11R09 Polynomials (irreducibility, etc.)
12D10 Polynomials in real and complex fields: location of zeros (algebraic theorems)
11C08 Polynomials in number theory
11B83 Special sequences and polynomials
65H04 Numerical computation of roots of polynomial equations


Zbl 0593.12001


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