
Multiple current reversals in driven inertial coupled Brownian particles under rough symmetric periodic potential. (English) Zbl 07916085

Summary: Multiple current reversals, where the direction of the net current changes multiple times with the external load, is an anomalous transport property of a driven inertial Brownian particle under periodic potential. Here, we investigated inertial coupled Brownian particles under rough symmetric periodic potential driven by external periodic force to uncover that small microscopic spatial heterogeneity leads to multiple current reversals under weak inter particle coupling. We showed that the current reversals do not exist without the roughness in the potential and coupling of the particles. Although the multiple current reversals persists in a wide range of noise strengths, however, it is sensitive to dissipation constant and parameters of the external driving force. The collective dynamics of the coupled particles becomes asynchronous in presence of roughness and may be responsible for the anomalous behavior. Our calculations underscore a nontrivial role of microscopic spatial heterogeneity of the periodic potential in the transport properties of coupled Brownian particles.


82-XX Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
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