
Redundancy-selection trade-off in phenotype-structured populations. (English) Zbl 1472.92157

Summary: Realistic fitness landscapes generally display a redundancy-fitness trade-off: highly fit trait configurations are inevitably rare, while less fit trait configurations are expected to be more redundant. The resulting sub-optimal patterns in the fitness distribution are typically described by means of effective formulations, where redundancy provided by the presence of neutral contributions is modelled implicitly, \(e.g\). with a bias of the mutation process. However, the extent to which effective formulations are compatible with explicitly redundant landscapes is yet to be understood, as well as the consequences of a potential miss-match. Here we investigate the effects of such trade-off on the evolution of phenotype-structured populations, characterised by continuous quantitative traits. We consider a typical replication-mutation dynamics, and we model redundancy by means of two dimensional landscapes displaying both selective and neutral traits. We show that asymmetries of the landscapes will generate neutral contributions to the marginalised fitness-level description, that cannot be described by effective formulations, nor disentangled by the full trait distribution. Rather, they appear as effective sources, whose magnitude depends on the geometry of the landscape. Our results highlight new important aspects on the nature of sub-optimality. We discuss practical implications for rapidly mutant populations such as pathogens and cancer cells, where the qualitative knowledge of their trait and fitness distributions can drive disease management and intervention policies.


92D15 Problems related to evolution


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