
Clone size distributions in networks of genetic similarity. (English) Zbl 1102.92037

Summary: We build networks of genetic similarity where the nodes are organisms sampled from biological populations. The procedure is illustrated by constructing networks from genetic data of a marine clonal plant. An important feature in the networks is the presence of clone subgraphs, i.e., sets of organisms with identical genotype forming clones. As a first step to understanding the dynamics that has shaped these networks, we point up a relationship between a particular degree distribution and the clone size distribution in the populations. We construct a dynamical model for the population dynamics, focussing on the dynamics of the clones, and solve it for the required distributions. Scale free and exponentially decaying forms are obtained depending on parameter values, the first type being obtained when clonal growth is the dominant process. Average distributions are dominated by the power law behavior presented by the fastest replicating populations.


92D10 Genetics and epigenetics
94C99 Circuits, networks


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