
Controllability of network opinion in Erdös-Rényi graphs using sparse control inputs. (English) Zbl 1468.91115

Summary: This paper considers a social network modeled as an Erdös-Rényi random graph. Each individual in the network updates her opinion using the weighted average of the opinions of her neighbors. We explore how an external manipulative agent can drive the opinions of these individuals to a desired state with a limited additive influence on their innate opinions. We show that the manipulative agent can steer the network opinion to any arbitrary value in finite time (i.e., the system is controllable) almost surely when there is no restriction on her influence. However, when the control input is sparsity constrained, the network opinion is controllable with some probability. We lower bound this probability using the concentration properties of random vectors based on the Lévy concentration function and small ball probabilities. Our theoretical and numerical results shed light on how controllability of the network opinion depends on the parameters such as the size and the connectivity of the network and sity constraints faced by the manipulative agent.


91D30 Social networks; opinion dynamics
93B05 Controllability
05C80 Random graphs (graph-theoretic aspects)


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