
Recent progress in combinatorial random matrix theory. (English) Zbl 1531.60012

This is a survey on combinatorial matrix theory from one of the masters of the subject. Combinatorial random matrices arise in applications such as of construction of low-density-parity-check codes, and are an interesting topic of in their own right. The field has a long and rich history whereas the survey focuses on recent developments. The author does not shy away from expressing his intuition and personal opinions which makes the text an enjoyable read.
The text is structured around two models of discrete random matrices created by Erdős-Rényi graphs and random regular graphs. Models are considered in symmetric and non-symmetric cases.
The structure of the text is as follows:
(1) Singularity probability of discrete random matrices, where the author discusses the long history of the problem and the recent proof of Tikhomirov.
(2) Singular probability: symmetric case: here author’s own results and related works are discussed in the symmetric case.
(3) Ranks and co-ranks: here the regime in Erdős-Rényi graphs are very sparse which makes the singularity question not so meaningful thus the main concern is obtaining bounds for rank and co-rank of random sparse matrices. This area has seen some important growth even in the last three years after the publication of the survey.
(4) Random regular graphs: this brief section gives a quick overall summary alongside with a theorem and a conjecture.
(5) Determinant and permanent: this part is relatively rich with several theorems and conjectures showcasing authors’ mastery of the matter.
(6) Spectral results: these consist of two very nice sections on spectrum of random graphs and its relation to structural properties.
(7) Sandpile groups and random graphs and miscellany. I personally find the conjectures presented in this part very interesting and would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a good problem to work on.


60B20 Random matrices (probabilistic aspects)
05-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to combinatorics
60-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to probability theory
05C80 Random graphs (graph-theoretic aspects)


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