
Design and analysis of a group of correlative and switchable dual memristor hyperchaotic systems. (English) Zbl 07906462

Summary: In this paper, a group of correlative and switchable dual memristor hyperchaotic systems consisting of three subsystems is constructed. The common part of the systems is composed of charge-controlled memristor, capacitor and inductor. The switchable parts of the systems are composed of three different flux-controlled memristors. By switching the selection switch, different flux-controlled memristors can be selected to form different subsystems. The chaotic dynamics analysis show that the three subsystems all can be in the hyperchaotic state within the same parameter range. The equivalent analogy electronic circuit of charge-controlled memristor, three flux-controlled memristors, and the whole switchable system are designed. The circuit simulation results are consistent with the numerical simulation results, proving the physical feasibility of the correlative and switchable dual memristor hyperchaotic systems. The structure of the switchable system is simple and easy to implement through electronic circuit elements. One circuit can achieve the functionality of multiple hyperchaotic systems by switching the selection switch. This provides new ideas for integration of chaotic circuits and their applications in the fields of information security, random number generator, signal detection, etc.


94C05 Analytic circuit theory
94C60 Circuits in qualitative investigation and simulation of models
34C28 Complex behavior and chaotic systems of ordinary differential equations
34C60 Qualitative investigation and simulation of ordinary differential equation models
93C10 Nonlinear systems in control theory


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