
Convergence of unadjusted Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for mean-field models. (English) Zbl 1529.60047

In this paper, the authors introduce convergence and discretization error bounds that are independent of dimensionality for the unadjusted Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm when applied to high-dimensional probability distributions of mean-field type. Unlike previous approaches, their bounds necessitate a sufficiently small discretization step but do not impose the requirement of strong convexity for either unary or pairwise potential terms inherent in the mean-field model.
To address the challenges posed by high dimensionality, the proof employs a particlewise coupling strategy that exhibits contractivity in a complementary particlewise metric. This novel approach enhances the algorithm’s ability to handle high-dimensional scenarios effectively. The presented results contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm’s performance in the context of mean-field distributions, especially in scenarios where traditional assumptions of strong convexity may not be applicable.


60J05 Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces
65P10 Numerical methods for Hamiltonian systems including symplectic integrators
65C05 Monte Carlo methods




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