
Descendants in celestial CFT and emergent multi-collinear factorization. (English) Zbl 1461.83057

Summary: Multi-collinear factorization limits provide a window to study how locality and unitarity of scattering amplitudes can emerge dynamically from celestial CFT, the conjectured holographic dual to gauge and gravitational theories in flat space. To this end, we first use asymptotic symmetries to commence a systematic study of conformal and Kac-Moody descendants in the OPE of celestial gluons. Recursive application of these OPEs then equips us with a novel holographic method of computing the multi-collinear limits of gluon amplitudes. We perform this computation for some of the simplest helicity assignments of the collinear particles. The prediction from the OPE matches with Mellin transforms of the expressions in the literature to all orders in conformal descendants. In a similar vein, we conclude by studying multi-collinear limits of graviton amplitudes in the leading approximation of sequential double-collinear limits, again finding a consistency check against the leading order OPE of celestial gravitons.


83E05 Geometrodynamics and the holographic principle
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
81R15 Operator algebra methods applied to problems in quantum theory
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics


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