
Vertex operator algebras with central charge 8 and 16. (English) Zbl 1479.17056

Krauel, Matthew (ed.) et al., Vertex operator algebras, number theory and related topics. International conference, California State University, Sacramento, CA, USA, June 11–15, 2018. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 753, 157-186 (2020).
Summary: In this paper we will partly classify spaces of characters of vertex operator algebras with central charges 8 and 16, whose spaces of characters are 3-dimensional and each space of characters forms a basis of the space of solutions of a third order monic modular linear differential equation with rational indicial roots.
Under the condition that the dimension of the lowest weight space, say \(d\), divides the dimension of the space of weight \(d+1\), we clarify that the spaces of characters of those vertex operator algebras coincide with the spaces of characters of lattice vertex operators associated with integral lattices \(\sqrt{2}E_8\) or the affine vertex operator algebra of type \(D_{20}^{(1)} \) (denoted by \(L_{D_{16}^{(1)},1}\)) with level 1 for \(c=8\), and the Barnes-Wall lattice \(\Lambda_{16}\), the affine vertex operator algebras of type \(D_{16}^{(1)}\) with level 1 and type \(D_{28}^{(1)}\) with level 1 for \(c=16\). (The central charge of the affine vertex operator algebra of type \(D_{28}^{(1)}\) with level 1 is 28, but the space of characters satisfies the differential equations for \(c=16\).)
Moreover, if we suppose a mild condition on characters of vertex operator algebras, then it uniquely determines (up to some isomorphisms) the spaces of characters of the lattice \(\sqrt{2}E_8\) and the Barnes-Wall lattice \(\Lambda_{16}\), respectively.
Finally, the reason why vertex operator algebras with central charges 8 and 16 are intensively studied is that there are solutions such that they does not depends on extra parameters (which represent conformal weights). More precisely, \(E_4/\eta^8\) and \(E_4^2/\eta^{16}\) are solutions of MLDEs for central charges 8 and 16, respectively. This fact is well understood by using hypergeometric function \({}_3F_2\). Hence we cannot apply our standard method to classify vertex operator algebras in which we are interested.
In appendix we classify \(c=4\) vertex operator algebras with the same conditions mentioned above.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1452.17002].


17B69 Vertex operators; vertex operator algebras and related structures
11F22 Relationship to Lie algebras and finite simple groups
11F11 Holomorphic modular forms of integral weight


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