
Two-dimensional fractional \(\mathcal{PPT}\)-symmetric cubic-quintic NLS equation: double-loop symmetry breaking bifurcations, ghost states and dynamics. (English) Zbl 1514.35476

Summary: In this paper, we address the double-loop symmetry breaking bifurcations of optical vortex solitons in the two-dimensional (2D) fractional cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger (FCQNLS) equation with an imprinted partially parity-time (\(\mathcal{PPT}\)) symmetric complex potential. The continuous branches of asymmetric solitons bifurcate from the fundamental one as the power exceeds some critical value. It is found that the symmetry breaking point is exactly the point at which the fundamental symmetric soliton is destabilized. Intriguingly, the branches of asymmetry solitons (alias ghost states) are existing with complex conjugate propagation constants, which is solely in fractional media. Moreover, the branch of asymmetric solitons crosses the branch of fundamental symmetric ones when it reaches the second critical value, and eventually merges back into it at the third critical power point. The imaginary part of the propagation constant also exhibits a circular shape. And the stability of the fundamental symmetric soliton is restored. In addition, the stability of two branches of asymmetric solitons differs from each other. The reason generating this phenomenon is analyzed in detail. Besides, the branch of dipole solitons for the first excited state is also discussed numerically, which is always stable in the process of symmetry breaking. The stability and dynamics of symmetric (fundamental and the first excited ones) and asymmetric solitons are explored via the linear stability analysis, direct simulation, modulation as well as adiabatic excitation. These results will provide some theoretical basis for the study of spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena and related experiments in fractional media with \(\mathcal{PPT}\)-symmetric potentials.


35R11 Fractional partial differential equations
35B32 Bifurcations in context of PDEs
35Q55 NLS equations (nonlinear Schrödinger equations)
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