
Multi-view 3D reconstruction and modeling of the unknown 3D scenes using genetic algorithms. (English) Zbl 1402.90223

Summary: This paper presents a complete pipeline of the reconstruction and the modeling of the unknown complex 3D scenes from a sequence of unconstrained images. The proposed system is based on the formulation of a nonlinear cost function by determining the relationship between 2D points of the images and the cameras parameters; the optimization of this function by a genetic algorithm makes finding the optimal cameras parameters. The determination of these parameters allows thereafter to estimate the 3D points of the observed scene. Then, the mesh of the 3D points is achieved by 3D Crust algorithm and the texture mapping is performed by multiple dependent viewpoints. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real data are performed to validate the proposed approach, and the results indicate that our system is robust and can achieve a very satisfactory reconstruction quality.


90C90 Applications of mathematical programming
90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming
68T45 Machine vision and scene understanding


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