
On some modules supported in the Chow variety. (English) Zbl 1495.14079

The Chow variety \(Y_{d,n}\) is the set of homogeneous polynomials of degree \(d\) in \(n+1\) variables which decompose into a product of linear forms. The standard parameterization of \(Y_{d,n}\) realizes the coordinate ring \(\pmb k[Y_{d,n}]\) as a subalgebra of \(A_{d,n}\), which is the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Segre product \((\mathbb P^n)^{\times d}\). There is a natural action of the symmetric group \(\mathfrak S_n\) on \(A_{d,n}\) and the invariant subring \(B_{d,n}=A_{d,n}^{\mathfrak S_n}\) is the normalization of \(\pmb k[Y_{d,n}]\). The normalization map has connections to Foulkes’ conjecture [H. O. Foulkes, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 25, 205–209 (1950; Zbl 0037.14902)] about plethysm coefficients in algebraic combinatorics.
Let \(\lambda\) be a partition of \(d\) and \[ M_\lambda=\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathfrak S_d}(V_\lambda,A_{d,n}), \] where \(V_\lambda\) is the irreducible \(\mathfrak S_d\)-representation which corresponds to \(\lambda\). In characteristic zero, \(M_\lambda\) is a maximal Cohen-Macaulay module supported on \(Y_{d,n}\). The space \(Y_{d,1}\) is affine, so the modules \(M_\lambda\) are free in this case, but the description of their generators involves interesting combinatorics related to the statistics of descents and major indices, and to Kostka-Foulkes polynomials. One way to interpret the formulas in the case \(n = 1\) is as generalizations of Hermite Reciprocity, which states that if the dimension of the vector space \(U\) is two, then, for all non-negative \(a\) and \(b\), the \(\operatorname{GL}(U)\)-representations \[ \operatorname{Sym}_a(\operatorname{Sym}_bU)\text{ and }\operatorname{Sym}_b(\operatorname{Sym}_aU) \] are isomorphic. For general parameters \(d\) and \(n\), the paper takes a first step in the study of the syzygies of \(M_\lambda\) by establishing a bound on their Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity.
The paper gives a flavor of the questions and results surrounding Chow varieties, with the intention that future research will be sparked in this area.


14M99 Special varieties
05E05 Symmetric functions and generalizations
13A50 Actions of groups on commutative rings; invariant theory


Zbl 0037.14902




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