
Marginal information for structure learning. (English) Zbl 1436.62210

Summary: Structure learning for Bayesian networks has been made in a heuristic mode in search of an optimal model to avoid an explosive computational burden. In the learning process, a structural error which occurred at a point of learning may deteriorate its subsequent learning. We proposed a remedial approach to this error-for-error process by using marginal model structures. The remedy is made by fixing local errors in structure in reference to the marginal structures. In this sense, we call the remedy a marginally corrective procedure. We devised a new score function for the procedure which consists of two components, the likelihood function of a model and a discrepancy measure in marginal structures. The proposed method compares favourably with a couple of the most popular algorithms as shown in experiments with benchmark data sets.


62H17 Contingency tables
62-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to statistics
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence


bnlearn; Hailfinder
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