
Model risk in real option valuation. (English) Zbl 1476.91214

Summary: We introduce a general decision-tree framework to value an option to invest/divest in a project, focusing on the model risk inherent in the assumptions made by standard real option valuation methods. We examine how real option values depend on the dynamics of project value and investment costs, the frequency of exercise opportunities, the size of the project relative to initial wealth, the investor’s risk tolerance (and how it changes with wealth) and several other choices about model structure. For instance, contrary to stylised facts from previous literature, real option values can actually decrease with the volatility of the underlying project value and increase with investment costs. And large projects can be more or less attractive than small projects (ceteris paribus) depending on the risk tolerance of the investor, how this changes with wealth, and the structure of costs to invest in the project.


91G50 Corporate finance (dividends, real options, etc.)
91B06 Decision theory


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