
Approximation by max-product sampling Kantorovich operators with generalized kernels. (English) Zbl 1464.41004

Authors’ abstract: In a recent paper, for max-product sampling operators based on general kernels with bounded generalized absolute moments, we have obtained several pointwise and uniform convergence properties on bounded intervals or on the whole real axis, including a Jackson-type estimate in terms of the first uniform modulus of continuity. In this paper, first, we prove that for the Kantorovich variants of these max-product sampling operators, under the same assumptions on the kernels, these convergence properties remain valid. Here, we also establish the \(L_p\) convergence, and quantitative estimates with respect to the \(L_p\) norm, \(K\)-functionals and \(L_p\)-modulus of continuity as well. The results are tested on several examples of kernels and possible extensions to higher dimensions are suggested.


41A25 Rate of convergence, degree of approximation
41A05 Interpolation in approximation theory
41A30 Approximation by other special function classes
47A58 Linear operator approximation theory
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