
Adaptive inverse optimal control for rehabilitation robot systems using actor-critic algorithm. (English) Zbl 1407.93265

Summary: The higher goal of rehabilitation robot is to aid a person to achieve a desired functional task (e.g., tracking trajectory) based on assisted-as-needed principle. To this goal, a new adaptive inverse optimal hybrid control (AHC) combining inverse optimal control and actor-critic learning is proposed. Specifically, an uncertain nonlinear rehabilitation robot model is firstly developed that includes human motor behavior dynamics. Then, based on this model, an open-loop error system is formed; thereafter, an inverse optimal control input is designed to minimize the cost functional and a NN-based actor-critic feedforward signal is responsible for the nonlinear dynamic part contaminated by uncertainties. Finally, the AHC controller is proven (through a Lyapunov-based stability analysis) to yield a global uniformly ultimately bounded stability result, and the resulting cost functional is meaningful. Simulation and experiment on rehabilitation robot demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.


93C85 Automated systems (robots, etc.) in control theory
49N35 Optimal feedback synthesis
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