
A novel approach to perturbative calculations for a large class of interacting boson theories. (English) Zbl 1380.81192

Summary: We present a method of calculating the interacting \(S\)-matrix to an arbitrary perturbative order for a large class of boson interaction Lagrangians. The method takes advantage of a previously unexplored link between the \(n\)-point Green’s function and a certain system of linear Diophantine equations. By finding all nonnegative solutions of the system, the task of perturbatively expanding an interacting \(S\)-matrix becomes elementary for any number of interacting fields, to an arbitrary perturbative order (irrespective of whether it makes physical sense) and for a large class of scalar boson theories. The method does not rely on the position-based Feynman diagrams and promises to be extended to many perturbative models typically studied in quantum field theory. Aside from interaction field calculations we showcase our approach by expanding a pair of Unruh-DeWitt detectors coupled to Minkowski vacuum to an arbitrary perturbative order in the coupling constant. We also link our result to Hafnian as introduced by Caianiello and present a method to list all \((2 n - 1)!!\) perfect matchings of a complete graph on \(2n\) vertices.


81T10 Model quantum field theories
81U20 \(S\)-matrix theory, etc. in quantum theory
81T15 Perturbative methods of renormalization applied to problems in quantum field theory
81T18 Feynman diagrams
35J08 Green’s functions for elliptic equations
11D04 Linear Diophantine equations


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