
Gauge theory and the analytic form of the geometric Langlands program. (English) Zbl 07802655

Summary: We present a gauge-theoretic interpretation of the “analytic” version of the geometric Langlands program, in which Hitchin Hamiltonians and Hecke operators are viewed as concrete operators acting on a Hilbert space of quantum states. The gauge theory ingredients required to understand this construction – such as electric-magnetic duality between Wilson and ’t Hooft line operators in four-dimensional gauge theory – are the same ones that enter in understanding via gauge theory the more familiar formulation of geometric Langlands, but now these ingredients are organized and applied in a novel fashion.


81P05 General and philosophical questions in quantum theory
70H05 Hamilton’s equations
11F60 Hecke-Petersson operators, differential operators (several variables)
46C05 Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology (including spaces with semidefinite inner product)
70S15 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in mechanics of particles and systems
78A30 Electro- and magnetostatics
32C37 Duality theorems for analytic spaces


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