
Automorphisms in generalized spaces. (English) Zbl 0443.53012


53B05 Linear and affine connections
53B10 Projective connections
53B20 Local Riemannian geometry
53B40 Local differential geometry of Finsler spaces and generalizations (areal metrics)
53-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to differential geometry


Zbl 0405.53010
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[1] B. A. Abakirov, ?On four-dimensional Riemannian spaces admitting intransitive groups of homothetic motions G5,? in: Motions in Spaces with Affine Connections [in Russian], Kazan Univ. (1965), pp. 202?203.
[2] B. A. Abakirov, ?Four-dimensional Riemannian spaces admitting solvable, simply transitive groups of homotheties with three-dimensional Abelian subgroups,? in: Materials of the Thirteenth Scientific Conference of the Professorial ?Instructorial Body of the Faculty of Physics-Mathematics of Kirghiz Univertisy. Mathematics Section [in Russian], Frunze (1965), pp. 6?9.
[3] B. A. Abakirov, ?Group of homothetic transformations H6 in spaces V4,? Tr. Kirg. Univ. Ser. Mat. Nauk, No. 6, 15?18 (1967).
[4] B. A. Abakirov, ?Transitive groups of homotheties H5 with simply transitive subgroups of motions in spaces V4,? Uch. Zap. Ryazansk. Pedagog. Inst.,67, 171?177 (1968).
[5] B. A. Abakirov, ?Transitive group of homotheties G5 with nontransitive normal subgroup G4 in spaces V4,? Tr. Kirg. Univ. Ser. Mat. Nauk, No. 5, 13?21 (1968).
[6] B. A. Abakirov, ?Some classes of spaces V4 by groups of homotheties H7,? Tr. Kirg. Univ. Ser. Mat. Nauk, No. 7, 175?179 (1970).
[7] B. A. Abakirov, ?Some tensorial characteristics of Riemannian spaces having fields of degeneracy,? Tr. Kirg. Univ. Ser. Mat. Nauk, No. 8, 39?44 (1973).
[8] B. A. Abakirov, ?Some questions on groups of conformal transformations of Riemannian spaces,? Sb. Tr. Aspirantov i Soiskatelei. Kirg. Univ. Ser. Mat. Nauk, No. 10, 3?7 (1973).
[9] B. A. Abakirov and D. Moldobaev, ?On some types of groups of conformai transformations of Riemannian spaces,? Tr. Kirg. Univ. Ser. Mat. Nauk, No. 8, 9?15 (1973).
[10] D. V. Alekseevskii, ?Groups of conformal transformations of Riemannian spaces,? Mat. Sb.,89, No. 2, 280?296 (1972).
[11] D. V. Alekseevskii, ?Sn and En are the only Riemannian spaces admitting the existence of conformal transformations,? Usp. Mat. Nauk,88, No. 5, 225?226 (1973).
[12] D. V. Alekseevskii, ?Classification of quaternionic spaces with transitive solvable groups of motions,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat.,39, No. 2, 315?362 (1975).
[13] A. V. Aminova, ?Groups of projective motions in some gravitational fields,? Sb. Aspirantsk. Rabot. Kazansk. Univ. Tochn. Nauki. Mekh., Fiz., No. 2, 58?68 (1970).
[14] A. V. Aminova, ?Projective groups in gravitational fields. I,? in: Gravitation and Relativity Theory [in Russian], Vol. 8, Kazan Univ. (1971), pp. 3?13.
[15] A. V. Aminova, ?Projective groups in gravitational fields. II,? in: Gravitation and Relativity Theory [in Russian], Vol. 8, Kazan Univ. (1971), pp. 14?20.
[16] A. V. Aminova, ?Groups of projective and affine motions in spaces of the general theory of relativity. I,? Tr. Geometr. Sem. Vses. Inst. Nauchn. Tekh. Inf.,6, 317?346 (1974).
[17] A. V. Aminova, ?Projective-group properties of some Riemannian spaces,? Tr. Geometr. Sem. Vses. Inst. Nauchn. Tekh. Inf.,6, 295?316 (1974).
[18] A. M. Anchikov, ?On invariant tests for conformally reducible spaces,? in: Gravitation and the Theory of Relativity [in Russian], Vol. 2, Kazan Univ., (1965), pp. 97?106.
[19] V. V. Astrakhantsev, ?On the holonomy groups of four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian spaces,? Mat. Zametki,9, 59?66 (1971).
[20] R. F. Bilyalov, ?On a class of conformal transformation groups in gravitational fields,? Uch. Zap. Kazansk. Univ.,123, No. 12, 52?58 (1963).
[21] R. F. Bilyalov, ?Transitive conformal transformation groups,? Uch. Zap. Kazansk. Univ.,123, No. 12, 3?20 (1963).
[22] R. F. Bilyalov, ?Groups of motions in conformal-flat gravitational fields,? in: Gravitation and the Theory of Relativity [in Russian], Vol. 2, Kazan Univ. (1965), pp. 52?71.
[23] V. I. Bliznikas, ?Finsler spaces and their generalizations,? in: Algebra. Topology. Geometry. 1967 [in Russian]. (Itogi Nauki i Tekh. VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR), Moscow (1969), pp. 73?125.
[24] V. I. Vedernikov and A. S. Fedenko, ?Symmetric spaces and their generalizations,? in: Algebra. Topology. Geometry [in Russian], Vol. 14 (Itogi Nauki i Tekh. VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR), Moscow (1976), pp. 249?280. · Zbl 0448.53037
[25] M. B. Vernikov, ?On motions in spaces with symplectic connections,? Sb. Statei po Mat. Chelyabinsk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., No. 2, 132?136 (1970).
[26] V. T. Vodnev, ?On the spaces of D. B. Vedenyapin,? Vestsi Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk Izv. Akad. Nauk BSSR. Ser. Fiz. Mat. Nauk, No. 1, 61?73 (1968).
[27] V. T. Vodnev, ?On motions of Riemannian generalized subprojective spaces,? in: Proceedings of the Second Republican Conference of Mathematicians of Belorussia [in Russian], Belorussk. Univ., Minsk (1969), pp. 63?67.
[28] V. T. Vodnev and A. S. Fedenko, ?Symmetric partially projective spaces,? in: Proceedings of the First Republican Conference of Mathematicians, Belorussia, 1964 [in Russian], Vysshaya Shkola, Minsk (1965), pp. 277?282.
[29] R. Vosilyus and A. Dreimanas, ?On the geometry of homogeneous spaces,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,11, No. 4, 773?782 (1971).
[30] G. Vranceanu, ?Global properties of spaces with affine connections and discrete groups,? in: Proceedings of the Fourth All-Union Mathematical Congress, 1961 [in Russian], Vol. 2, Nauka, Leningrad (1964), pp. 194?200.
[31] O. S. Germanov, ?Motions in irreducible spaces with affine connections,? Tr. Gor’kovsk. Politekh. Inst.,30, No. 3, 16?19 (1974).
[32] V. K. Golubev, ?On spaces with affine connection with simply transitive automorphism group,? Uch. Zap. Gor’kovsk. Univ., No. 105, 46?48 (1969).
[33] V. K. Golubev, ?On spaces with affine connection with simply transitive automorphism group,? Uch. Zap. Gor’kovsk. Univ., No. 113, 120?128 (1972).
[34] L. S. Gorshkova, ?Finsler spaces F4(x, x) admitting groups of motions,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 31?35 (1971).
[35] L. S. Gorshkova, ?Four-dimensional Finsler spaces with groups of motions G4,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 36?41 (1971).
[36] L. S. Gorshkova, ?Finsler spaces F4 admitting groups of motions with non-Abelian subgroups of order three,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 42?46 (1971).
[37] L. S. Gorshkova, ?On Finsler spaces F4 admitting groups of motions of order five with Abelian subgroups G3,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 23, 6?25 (1973).
[38] L. S. Gorshkova, ?On motions in Finsler spaces,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 23, 3?6 (1973).
[39] V. I. Denisov, ?On a characteristic property of gravitational fields of zero scalar curvature admitting a group of motions,? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. 4, 20?21 (1967).
[40] A. I. Egorov, ?On some maximally mobile spaces,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 47?50 (1971).
[41] A. I. Egorov, ?On maximally mobile spaces of linear and contravectorial elements with affine connection,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 54?60 (1971).
[42] A. I. Egorov, ?On motions and homotheties in Riemannian spaces,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 51?53 (1971).
[43] A. I. Egorov, ?On motions in spaces with general affine connections,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,196, No. 6, 1266?1269 (1971).
[44] A. I. Egorov, ?On maximally mobile spaces of line elements with general affine connections,? in: Thesis Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry. Samarkand, Oct. 20?24, 1972 [in Russian], Samarkand Univ. (1972).
[45] A. I. Egorov and L. I. Egorova, ?On some spaces admitting groups of motions of maximal order,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,12, No. 2, 39?42 (1972).
[46] I. P. Egorov, ?On a class of kernel functions,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 3, 145?148 (1965).
[47] I. P. Egorov, ?On homothetic kernel functions and metrics, invariant under pseudoconformal mappings,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 4, 52?57 (1966).
[48] I. P. Egorov, ?Motions in spaces with affine connection,? in: Motions in Spaces with Affine Connection [in Russian], Kazan Univ. (1965), pp. 5?179.
[49] I. P. Egorov, On Generalized Spaces [in Russian], Znanie, Moscow (1970). · Zbl 0209.25201
[50] I. P. Egorov, ?On homothetic motions in Riemannian spaces and infinite surfaces,? in: Third Intercollegiate Scientific Conference on Problems of Geometry. Kazan, Sept. 14?19, 1967. Thesis Reports [in Russian], Kazan Univ. (1967), pp. 52?53.
[51] I. P. Egorov, ?Motions in generalized differential geometric spaces,? in: Algebra. Topology. Geometry. 1965 [in Russian], (Itogi Nauki VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR), Moscow (1967), pp. 375?428.
[52] I. P. Egorov, ?On homothetically lacunary Riemannian spaces of different orders,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 6, 62?67 (1968).
[53] I. P. Egorov, ?On motions in Riemannian spaces and spaces with affine connections,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 3?9 (1971).
[54] I. P. Egorov, ?On some problems in the theory of motions of Riemannian spaces,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,67, 187?191 (1967).
[55] I. P. Egorov, ?On motions and lacunarity problems in differential-geometric spaces,? in: Thesis Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry. Samarkand, Oct. 20?24, 1972 [in Russian], Samarkand Univ. (1972).
[56] I. P. Egorov and A. I. Egorov, ?On spaces with generalized affine connections,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 10?12 (1971).
[57] L. I. Egorova, ?On maximally mobile homothetic spaces,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 67?69 (1971).
[58] L. I. Egorova, ?Motions in two-dimensional spaces of line elements with affine connections with torsion,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 29, 48?52 (1973).
[59] L. I. Egorova, ?Homothetic transformations of the first and second kinds in Finsler spaces,? in: AllUnion Scientific Conference on Noneuclidean Geometry ?150 Years of Lobachevskiian Geometry,? Kazan, Thesis Reports [in Russian], Moscow (1976).
[60] R. Zulanke and P. Vintgen, Differential Geometry and Bundles [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1975).
[61] N. Kh. Ibragimov, ?Generalized motions in Riemannian spaces,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,178, No. 1, 27?30 (1968).
[62] N. Kh. Ibragimov, ?Groups of generalized motions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,187, No. 1, 25?28 (1969).
[63] G. G. Ivanov, ?Vacuum Einstein spaces of the third type with group of motions G2 Abelian and solvable groups G3,? in: Gravitation and the Theory of Relativity [in Russian], Vol. 8, Kazan Univ. (1971), pp. 92?99.
[64] In Shao-tzi, ?A certain class of homogeneous spaces of affine connections,? Fudan Daxue Xuebao, Acta Scient. Natur. Univ. Fudan,11, No. 2, 167?175 (1966).
[65] A. Ionushauskas, ?Existence of invariant Finsler metrics in homogeneous spaces with linear isotropy group of tensorial type,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,6, No. 1, 51?57 (1966).
[66] F. I. Kagan, ?On groups of pseudomotions in Finsler and Riemann spaces,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 3, 190?196 (1965).
[67] F. I. Kagan, ?On the operation of infinitesimal S-extension with respect to a one-dimensional S-distribution given on Xn,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 4, 103?108 (1966).
[68] F. I. Kagan, ?On Killing vectors and automorphisms of almost Kaehler structures in tangent bundles over Riemannian manifolds,? in: Differential Geometry [in Russian], Vol. 1, Saratov Univ. (1974), pp. 60?71.
[69] F. I. Kagan, ?Canonical decomposition of projective-Killing and affine-Killing vectors on tangent bundles,? Mat. Zametki,19, No. 12, 247?258 (1976). · Zbl 0327.53021
[70] V. R. Kaigorodov, ?Einstein spaces and groups of motions,? in: Gravitation and the Theory of Relativity [in Russian], Vol. 2, Kazan Univ. (1965), pp. 82?96.
[71] I. L. Kantor, A. I. Sirota, and A. S. Solodovnikov, ?A class of symmetric spaces with solvable group of motions and generalized Poincaré models,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,173, No. 3, 511?514 (1967). · Zbl 0165.55505
[72] G. V. Kiotina, ?Quasigroups and groups of motions of some linear systems of collineations in P5,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 73?82 (1971).
[73] B. P. Komrakov, ?Homogeneous spaces generated by automorphisms and invariant geometric structures,? in: Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vol. 7 (Itogi Nauki i Tekh. VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR), Moscow (1975), pp. 81?104.
[74] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?Homogeneous spaces of linear elements with affine connection A3(x, x) of high mobility,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 4, 82?92 (1966).
[75] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?On motions in general spaces of paths A3(x, x),? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. 2, 35?42 (1966).
[76] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?Spaces of linear elements with affine connection A3(x, x) admitting groups of affine motions Gr (r ?3),? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 5, 152?157 (1966).
[77] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?On motions in homogeneous three-dimensional general spaces of paths A3(x, x),? Uch. Zap. Ryazansk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst.,67, 193?207 (1968).
[78] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?On a type of homothetic Riemannian space V4,? in: Materials of the 27th Intercollegiate Scientific Conference of the Mathematics Departments of the Pedagogical Institutes of the Ural Zone. 1969 [in Russian], Izhevsk (1969), pp. 239?240.
[79] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?Homogeneous general spaces of paths A3(x, x) with groups of affine motions G5,? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. 8, 76?87 (1970).
[80] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?On some transformations of general spaces of paths,? Uch. Zap. Penz. Pedagog. Inst.,124, 61?66 (1971).
[81] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?Groups of motions in special two-dimensional spaces of paths,? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. 11, 47?52 (1971).
[82] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?On normal affine connections and special motions in general spaces of paths,? Volzh. Mat, Sb., No. 23, 42?47 (1973).
[83] V. G. Kopp, ?Classification of bivectors and their bundles in four-dimensional Lorentz spaces,? in: Materials of the Scientific Conference of Kazan State Teaching Institute, 1962 [in Russian], Kazan (1963), pp. 410?411.
[84] V. G. Kopp, ?On infinitely small motions in four-dimensional pseudoeuclidean space of zero signature,? Uch. Zap. Kazansk. Univ.,125, No. 1, 100?107 (1965).
[85] V. G. Kopp, ?On groups of infinitely small rotations of k-dimensional euclidean and Lorentz spaces,? Uch. Zap. Kazansk. Univ.,128, No. 3, 31?42 (1968).
[86] V. G. Kopp, ?On isomorphisms existing between some subgroups of groups of small motions of Lorentz spaces and euclidean and Gallilean spaces,? in: Memoirs of the Seminar of the Geometry Department [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kazan Univ. (1974), pp. 61?67.
[87] V. G. Kopp, ’On subgroups of groups of rotations of Lorentz spaces,? in: Gravitation and the Theory of Relativity [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kazan Univ. (1969), pp. 52?59.
[88] A. T. Kondrat’ev, ?On groups of similarities of four-dimensional Lorentz space,? Uch. Zap. Kazansk. Univ.,129, No. 6, 79?86 (1970).
[89] G. I. Kruchkovich, ?Tests for almost semireducible Riemannian spaces,? Tr. Sem. Vektorn. Tenzorn. Anal. Prilozhen. Geometrii, Mekh., Fiz., Mosk. Univ., No. 13, 399?406 (1966).
[90] G. I. Kruchkovich, ?Investigation of the spaces V(K),? in: Third Intercollegiate Scientific Conference on the Problems of Geometry. Kazan, Sept. 14?19, 1967. Thesis Reports [in Russian], Kazansk. Univ., Kazan (1967), pp. 85?86.
[91] G. I. Kruchkovich, ?On the spaces V(K) and their geodesic maps,? Tr. Vses. Zaochn. Energ. Inst., No. 33, 3?18 (1967).
[92] G. I. Kruchkovich, ?Kagan spaces and nontransitive groups of motions,? Tr. Sem. Vektorn. Tenzorn. Anal. Prilozhen. Geometrii, Mekh., Fiz., Mosk. Univ., No. 14, 144?153 (1968). · Zbl 0169.53304
[93] B. L. Laptev, ?Lie differentiation,? in: Algebra. Topology. Geometry. 1965 [in Russian], (Itogi Nauki. VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR), Moscow (1967), pp. 429?465.
[94] N. S. Lipatov, ?Three-dimensional Riemannian spaces admitting groups of nontrivial homothetic motions Gr (r ?3),? in: Motions in Spaces with Affine Connections [in Russian], Kazan Univ. (1965), pp. 190?201.
[95] N. S. Lipatov, ?Three-dimensional Riemannian spaces admitting groups of motions Gr (r ?4),? in: Motions in Spaces with Affine Connections [in Russian], Kazan Univ. (1965), pp. 190?201.
[96] N. S. Lipatov, ?Homotheties G in three-dimensional mobile Liouville spaces,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 6, 104?115 (1968).
[97] N. S. Lipatov, ?Homotheties in three-dimensional mobile Liouville spaces,? Uch. Zap. Ryazansk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst.,67, 209?214 (1968).
[98] N. S. Lipatov, ?On maximally homothetically mobile four-dimensional Liouville spaces,? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 23, 39?42 (1973).
[99] A. A. Lovkov, ?General spaces of paths with projective connection P3(x, x) admitting groups of motions Gr (r ?3),? Volzh. Mat. Sb., No. 23, 53?60 (1973).
[100] A. A. Lovkov, ?On general spaces of paths with projective connection with nonsolvable groups of motions,? All-Union Scientific Conference on Noneuclidean Geometry. ?150 Years of Lobachevskiian Geometry.? Kazan, Thesis Reports [in Russian], Moscow (1976).
[101] Yu. Lumiste and K. Riives, ?Enumeration and orbits of subgroups of motions in euclidean space,? Uch. Zap. Tartusk. Univ., No. 22, 12?30 (1968).
[102] G. G. Markov and A. P. Norden, ?On holomorphic projective transformations,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 6, 82?87 (1975).
[103] V. E. Mel’nikov, ?On groups of motions of Riemannian spaces with splittable isotropy groups,? Tr. Vses. Zaochn. Energ. Inst., No. 33, 29?44 (1967).
[104] V. E. Mel’nikov, ?On a theorem of Teleman,? Tr. Mosk. Inst. Radiotekh. Elektron. Avtomatiki, No. 46, 37?48 (1970).
[105] V. E. Mel’nikov, ?On Riemannian spaces admitting a group of motions with splittable isotropy group,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 2, 81?89 (1971).
[106] V. E. Mel’nikov, ?On homogeneous six-dimensional Riemannian spaces,? Tr. Mosk. Inst. Radiotekh. Elektron. Avtomatiki, No. 67, 41?49 (1973).
[107] E. V. Pavlov, ?On motions in Riemannian B-spaces,? Sb. Aspirantsk. Rabot. Kazansk. Univ. Tochnye Nauki. Mat. Mekh. Kazan, 55?60 (1975).
[108] I. V. Parnasskii, ?Motions in semi-Riemannian spaces,? Uch. Zap. Kursk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst.,66, No. 1, 148?161 (1970).
[109] A. Z. Petrov, New Methods in the General Theory of Relativity [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1966).
[110] P. I. Petrov, ?Characterizations of types of conformal-flat Riemannian spaces of four dimensions,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,18, No. 2, 42?49 (1966). · Zbl 0156.20403 · doi:10.1007/BF02537777
[111] P. I. Petrov, ?Characterizations of Riemannian manifolds,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,17, No. 4, 55?62 (1965). · Zbl 0178.25102 · doi:10.1007/BF02526566
[112] N. M. Pisareva, ?Weyl spaces admitting a transitive group of motions with splittable stationary (linear) subgroups,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 6, 124?129 (1965).
[113] N. M: Pisareva, ?On a test for reducibility of spaces in Cartesian compositions (almost reducible spaces),? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 10, 69?72 (1970).
[114] P. K. Rashevskii, ?On the structure of tensors admitting a given invariance group,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,177, No. 2, 275?276 (1967).
[115] K. Riives, ?Lie subgroups of motions of euclidean space R5 and their orbits. 1,? Tartu Ulikooli Ioimetised, Uch. Zap, Tartusk. Univ., No. 253, 96?126 (1970).
[116] K. Riives and A. Flyaisher, ?Homogeneous quotient spaces of the group of motions of euclidean space R4,? Tartu Ulikooli Toimetized, Uch. Zap. Tartusk. Univ., No. 372, 23?40 (1975).
[117] B. A. Rozenfel’d and I. I. Tyurina, ?Maximally mobile spaces of constant curvature and their representations with the help of algebra,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 3, 74?87 (1967).
[118] D. I. Rozenfel’d and E. Z. Gorbatyi, ?On geodesic mappings of Riemannian spaces onto conformal-flat Riemannian spaces,? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. 12, 115?124 (1972).
[119] L. V. Sabinin, ?Homogeneous Riemannian spaces with (n?1)-dimensional mirrors,? in: Some Boundary-Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations [in Russian], Moscow (1970), pp. 116?126.
[120] L. V. Sabinin, ?Reductive spaces with absolute projective connections,? in: Some Boundary-Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations [in Russian], Moscow (1970), pp. 127?139.
[121] V. S. Sazanov, ?On Riemannian spaces with intransitive automorphism groups,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 7, 83?96 (1968).
[122] V. S. Sazanov, ?On a class of spaces L n 0 with completely reducible isotropy group,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 6, 101?108 (1967).
[123] N. S. Sinyukov, ?Almost geodesic mappings of affine and Riemannian spaces,? in: Scientific Conference Devoted to a Century of Odessa University. 1965. Mechanics-Mathematics Faculties [in Russian], Odessa (1965), p. 65.
[124] N. S. Sinyukov, ?On the theory of geodesic mappings of Riemannian spaces,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,169, No. 4, 770?772 (1966). · Zbl 0148.42301
[125] N. S. Sinyukov, ?Infinitely small almost-geodesic transformations of affinely connected and Riemannian spaces. I,? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. 9, 86?95 (1970).
[126] N. S. Sinyukov, ?Infinitely small almost-geodesic transformations of affinely connected and Riemannian spaces. II,? Ukr. Geometr. Sb., No. II, 87?95 (1971).
[127] A. S. Solodovnikov, ?Group of projective transformations in a complete analytic Riemannian space,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,186, No. 6, 1262?1265 (1969).
[128] A. Ya. Sultanov, ?Automorphisms in three-dimensional spaces with projective connections,? in: AllUnion Scientific Conference on Non-Euclidean Geometry. ?150 Years of Lobachevskiian Geometry.? Kazan, Thesis Reports [in Russian], Moscow (1976).
[129] N. N. Surina, ?Motions in two-dimensional spaces with centroprojective connections,? Uch. Zap. Mosk. Pedagog. Inst. im. V. I. Lenina, No. 271, 181?196 (1967).
[130] N. N. Surina, ?On motions in two-dimensional spaces with centroprojective connections,? Uch. Zap. Smolensk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., No. 23, 39?45 (1970).
[131] N. V. Talantova and A. P. Shirokov, ?Groups of order three of linear fractional substituions of dual variables as affine collineations,? Tr. Geometr. Sem. Kazansk. Univ., No. 9, 105?113 (1976). · Zbl 0441.53014
[132] I. A. Undalova, ?One-parameter groups of automorphisms of type ?B? in spaces with affine connections,? Uch. Zap. Gor’kovsk. Univ., No. 80, Part 2, 107?120 (1967).
[133] I. A. Undalova, ?On one-parameter projective groups of transformations of spaces with affine connections,? Uch. Zap. Gor’kovsk. Univ., No. 80, Part 2, 121?131 (1967).
[134] I. A. Undalova, ?On stationary groups of automorphisms of spaces with affine connections,? Uch. Zap. Gor’kovsk. Univ., No. 80, Part 2, 140?143 (1967).
[135] I. A. Undalova, ?On types of one-parameter groups of projective transformations of spaces with affine connections,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 5, 96?106 (1970).
[136] I. A. Undalova and G. R. Eranova, ?One-parameter groups of homotheties of Riemannian spaces,? Sb. St. Gor’kovsk. Univ., No. 2, 105?109 (1975).
[137] A. P. Urbonas, ?Automorphisms of spaces of tensorial support elements,? Sb. Aspirantsk. Rabot. Kazansk. Univ. Tochn. Nauki. Mat., Mekh. Fiz. Kazan, 101?107 (1968).
[138] A, P. Urbonas, ?On motions in spaces of hyperplane elements with general affine connections,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,9, No. 2, 388 (1969).
[139] A. P. Urbonas, ?Maximally mobile spaces of hyperplane elements with affine connections,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,9, No. 2, 153?179 (1969).
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