
Uncertainty and velocity observer-based predefined-time nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of the underwater robot manipulators. (English) Zbl 1532.93328

Summary: This paper introduces an observer-based predefined-time nonsingular terminal sliding mode control to the position tracking control of the \(n\)-degree-of-freedoms underwater robot manipulators subject to the uncertainty compensation and sensor reduction. The proposed sliding surface has only the sliding phase, while the reaching phase is eliminated using a continuous augmented function. Besides, the sliding phase is predefined-time, where it is independent of the initial conditions and control parameters. As a result, it has led to the development of a predefined-time control scheme, in which not only its convergence time is fast, but also (due to the elimination of the reaching phase) the effect of uncertainties in this phase is eliminated. Naturally, there is a wide range of uncertainties such as structured-unstructured uncertainties and/or un-modeled dynamics, ocean current, waves, etc., in the underwater robot manipulators and underwater conditions. Therefore, the proposed predefined-time nonsingular terminal sliding mode control is combined with a finite-time observer to estimate the underwater robot manipulator’s joint velocity and eliminate the destructive effect of existing uncertainties. Under this combination, the stability analysis could guarantee predefined-time global asymptotic stability of the system in the presence of existing uncertainties. Simulation results are conducted on a 2-link underwater robot manipulator to validate the proposal.


93D40 Finite-time stability
93D20 Asymptotic stability in control theory
93B53 Observers
93B12 Variable structure systems
93C85 Automated systems (robots, etc.) in control theory
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