
Tiling billiards and Dynnikov’s helicoid. (English) Zbl 1498.37047

Trans. Mosc. Math. Soc. 2021, 133-147 (2021) and Tr. Mosk. Mat. O.-va 82, No. 1, 157-174 (2021).
Summary: Here are two problems. First, understanding the dynamics of a tiling billiard in a cyclic quadrilateral periodic tiling. Second, describing the topology of connected components of plane sections of a centrally symmetric subsurface \(S \subset \mathbb{T}^3\) of genus 3. In this paper we show that these two problems are related via a helicoidal construction proposed recently by Ivan Dynnikov. The second problem is a particular case of a classical question formulated by Sergei Novikov. The exploration of the relationship between a large class of tiling billiards (periodic locally foldable tiling billiards) and Novikov’s problem in higher genus seems promising, as we show at the end of this paper.


37C83 Dynamical systems with singularities (billiards, etc.)
37B52 Tiling dynamics
37D40 Dynamical systems of geometric origin and hyperbolicity (geodesic and horocycle flows, etc.)




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