
Review on nature-inspired algorithms. (English) Zbl 1476.90357

Summary: Optimization and its related solving methods are becoming increasingly important in most academic and industrial fields. The goal of the optimization process is to make a system or a design as effective and functional as possible. This is achieved by optimizing a set of objectives while meeting the system requirements. Optimization techniques are classified into exact and approximate algorithms. Nature-inspired (NI) methods, a sub-class of approximate techniques, are widely recognized for providing efficient approaches for solving a wide variety of real-world optimization problems. In this paper, we discuss many scenarios where we can or cannot use different NI methods in tackling real-world optimization problems. We also enrich our survey with many studies for the reader to prove the efficiency and efficacy of using NI methods to tackle many real-world applications. Therefore, NI methods should be considered as alternative reliable approaches in the absence of exact methods to provide satisfactory solutions.


90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming


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