
Coordinated seru scheduling and distribution operation problems with DeJong’s learning effects. (English) Zbl 07864983

Summary: Inspired by the advantage of just-in-time philosophy, zero-inventory is common in many industries, especially those need fast response with a short lifespan. Accordingly, this paper focuses on coordinated production scheduling and distribution operation problems considering workers’ DeJong’s learning effects in seru production system (SPS), in which seru is a relatively new-type manufacturing mode originating from Japan and can achieve fast response in practice. Two variants of coordinated seru scheduling and distribution operation problems are studied, and the corresponding 0-1 integer programming model is formulated. By analyzing the mathematical property, the polynomial computation time of the former is able to be determined, and an intractability and NP-hardness proof is provided for the latter. The dynamic programming-based exact algorithm and the heuristic ant colony optimization algorithm are developed respectively. Computational experiments are conducted finally, and a series of experimental results indicate that the Dejong’s learning effect has a significant influence on coordinated seru scheduling and distribution operation problems, meanwhile a remarkable benefit (the average improvement is 16.97%) can be achieved by the coordinated production scheduling and distribution operation in SPS.


90Bxx Operations research and management science
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