
Solving polynomial systems over non-fields and applications to modular polynomial factoring. (English) Zbl 07852634

Summary: We study the problem of solving a system of \(m\) polynomials in \(n\) variables over the ring of integers modulo a prime-power \(p^k\). The problem over finite fields is well studied in varied parameter settings. For small characteristic \(p = 2\), Lokshtanov et al. (SODA’17) initiated the study, for degree \(d = 2\) systems, to improve the exhaustive search complexity of \(O(2^n) \cdot \mathsf{poly}(m,n)\) to \(O(2^{0.8765 n}) \cdot \mathsf{poly}(m, n)\); which currently is improved to \(O(2^{0.6943 n}) \cdot \mathsf{poly}(m, n)\) in Dinur (SODA’21). For large \(p\) but constant \(n\), Huang and Wong (FOCS’96) gave a randomized \(\mathsf{poly}(d, m, \log p)\) time algorithm. Note that for growing \(n\), system-solving is known to be intractable even with \(p = 2\) and degree \(d = 2\).
We devise a randomized \(\mathsf{poly}(d, m, \log p)\)-time algorithm to find a root of a given system of \(m\) integral polynomials of degrees bounded by \(d\), in \(n\) variables, modulo a prime power \(p^k\); when \(n+k\) is constant. In a way, we extend the efficient algorithm of Huang and Wong (FOCS’96) for system-solving over Galois fields (i.e., characteristic \(p)\) to system-solving over Galois rings (i.e., characteristic \(p^k)\); when \(k>1\) is constant. The challenge here is to find a lift of singular \(\mathbb{F}_p\)-roots (exponentially many); as there is no efficient general way known in algebraic-geometry for resolving singularities.
Our algorithm has applications to factoring univariate polynomials over Galois rings. Given \(f \in \mathbb{Z} [x]\) and a prime-power \(p^k (k\geq 2)\), finding factors of \(f \bmod p^k\) has a curious state-of-the-art. It is solved for large \(k\) by \(p\)-adic factoring algorithms (von zur Gathen, Hartlieb, ISSAC’96); but unsolved for small \(k\). In particular, no nontrivial factoring method is known for \(k \geq 5\) (Dwivedi, Mittal, Saxena, ISSAC’19). One issue is that degree-\(\delta\) factors of \(f(x) \bmod p^k\) could be exponentially many, as soon as \(k \geq 2\). We give the first randomized \(\mathrm{poly}(\deg (f), \log p)\)-time algorithm to find a degree-\(\delta\) factor of \(f(x) \bmod p^k\), when \(k + \delta\) is constant. Our method has potential application in algebraic coding theory. In particular, extending algebraic geometric and Reed-Solomon codes to Galois rings could enable new and improved bounds on their underlying efficiency parameters.


13P15 Solving polynomial systems; resultants
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
11T06 Polynomials over finite fields
Full Text: DOI


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