
Nonseparation analysis-based finite/fixed-time synchronization of fully complex-valued impulsive dynamical networks. (English) Zbl 07834043

Summary: In this article, the impulsive effect is introduced into complex-variable networks (CO-VNs) and the finite/fixed-time synchronization (FI-T/FX-TS) of fully CO-VNs is discussed without using the classical decomposition approach. First of all, by applying the comparison principle, mathematical induction and the optimization method, two theorems are established to realize FI/FX-T stability of impulsive systems, and the estimated convergence time derived is more accurate. Furthermore, under the vector-valued signum function and different forms of norms in the complex field, several complex-valued control protocols are directly designed to realize synchronization. Besides, some effective conditions for FI/FX-TS are derived under the improved FI/FX-T stability results, which are simpler and easier to be verified than the previous decomposition results. To conclude, three numerical examples are provided to verify the obtained theoretical results.


93B70 Networked control
34D20 Stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34A37 Ordinary differential equations with impulses
93D40 Finite-time stability
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