
Early history of the theory of rings in Novosibirsk. (English) Zbl 1430.17001

Summary: It is a note on early history of ring theory in Novosibirsk. We mostly cover the first 10–15 years of the existence of the A. I. Malcev Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic and A. I. Shirshov (1921–1981) Laboratory of Ring Theory at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. By all means, this note is far from being complete, see also a survey by the author and I. P. Shestakov [Contemp. Math. 184, 1–12 (1995; Zbl 0841.16002)]. This article is written in a cooperation with E. N. Kuzmin (1938–2011) who was the active participant of events discussed here. 133 Refs.


17-03 History of nonassociative rings and algebras
01A60 History of mathematics in the 20th century


Zbl 0841.16002


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