
Order by disorder: saving collective motion from topological defects in a conservative model. (English) Zbl 1459.82169

Summary: Using analytic and numerical methods, we study a \(2d\) Hamiltonian model of interacting particles carrying ferro-magnetically coupled continuous spins which are also locally coupled to their own velocities. This model has been characterised at the mean field level in a parent paper. Here, we first obtain its finite size ground states, as a function of the spin-velocity coupling intensity and system size, with numerical techniques. These ground states, namely a collectively moving polar state of aligned spins, and two non-moving states embedded with topological defects, are recovered from the analysis of the continuum limit theory and simple energetic arguments that allow us to predict their domains of existence in the space of control parameters. Next, the finite temperature regime is investigated numerically. In some specific range of the control parameters, the magnetisation presents a maximum at a finite temperature. This peculiar behaviour, akin to an order-by-disorder transition, is explained by the examination of the free energy of the system and the metastability of the states of minimal energy. The robustness of our results is checked against the geometry of the boundary conditions and the dimensionality of space.


82C22 Interacting particle systems in time-dependent statistical mechanics


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