
Model category structures and spectral sequences. (English) Zbl 1458.18013

The chain complex of the total space of a fibration can be enriched with filtration by the basic degree which gives rise to the Serre spectral sequence. This is a wonderful tool for the knowledge of the fibration and perturbations of the \(E_{r}\)-stage is a process widely used. For instance, with it, S. Halperin and the reviewer creates various models of the total space of a fibration [S. Halperin and D. Tanré, Ill. J. Math. 34, No. 2, 284–324 (1990; Zbl 0679.55011)] and G. Laumon studies modules over the ring of differential operators on complex algebraic varieties [G. Laumon, Lect. Notes Math. 1016, 151–237 (1983; Zbl 0551.14006)]. In the paper under review, the authors raise this approach to a systematic study of Quillen closed model structures. They consider categories of filtered and bigraded chain complexes of modules over a commutative ring with unit and define cofibrantly generated closed model structures on them, by varying the notions of fibrations and weak-equivalences. Mostly, the weak-equivalences are the \(E_{r}\)-quasi-isomorphisms of bigraded complexes at the \(r\)-stage of the associated spectral sequence.
In the filtered case, the authors show that the Deligne functors, shift and décalage, connect by Quillen equivalences the model categories corresponding to \(E_{r}\)-quasi-isomorphisms and fibrations defined by the surjectivity on the \(r\)-cycles, when varying \(r\geq 0\). The bicomplex situation is more rigid and the shift-décalage adjunction cannot be directly transferred. Two different cofibrantly generated model structures are presented, with weak-equivalences the \(E_{r}\)-quasi-isomorphisms. This part extends previous works of F. Muro and C. Roitzheim [J. Pure Appl. Algebra 223, No. 5, 1913–1939 (2019; Zbl 1409.18020)]
Despite the technical nature of the subject, this paper is pleasant to read. Several remarks help to understand the choices made in the definition of the closed model structures.


18N40 Homotopical algebra, Quillen model categories, derivators
18G40 Spectral sequences, hypercohomology


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