
Efficient and accurate rotation of finite spherical harmonics expansions. (English) Zbl 1243.65037

Summary: Spherical harmonics are employed in a wide range of applications in computational science and physics, and many of them require the rotation of functions. We present an efficient and accurate algorithm for the rotation of finite spherical harmonics expansions. Exploiting the pointwise action of the rotation group on functions on the sphere, we obtain the spherical harmonics expansion of a rotated signal from function values at rotated sampling points. The number of sampling points and their location permits one to balance performance and accuracy, making our technique well-suited for a wide range of applications. Numerical experiments comparing different sampling schemes and various techniques from the literature are presented, making this the first thorough evaluation of spherical harmonics rotation algorithms.


65D20 Computation of special functions and constants, construction of tables
33C55 Spherical harmonics
33F05 Numerical approximation and evaluation of special functions


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