
Forgetting in multi-agent modal logics. (English) Zbl 1478.68351

Summary: In the past decades, forgetting has been investigated for many logics and has found many applications in knowledge representation and reasoning. In this paper, we study forgetting in multi-agent modal logics. We adopt the semantic definition of existential bisimulation quantifiers as that of forgetting. We resort to canonical formulas of modal logics introduced by Moss. An arbitrary modal formula is equivalent to the disjunction of a unique set of satisfiable canonical formulas. We show that, for the logics of \(\mathsf{K}_{\mathsf{n}}, \mathsf{D}_{\mathsf{n}}, \mathsf{T}_{\mathsf{n}}, \mathsf{K} 45_{\mathsf{n}}, \mathsf{KD} 45_{\mathsf{n}}\) and \(\mathsf{S} 5_{\mathsf{n}}\), the result of forgetting an atom from a satisfiable canonical formula can be computed by simply substituting the literals of the atom with \(\top\). Thus we show that these logics are closed under forgetting, and hence have uniform interpolation. Finally, we generalize the above results to include common knowledge of propositional formulas.


68T27 Logic in artificial intelligence
03B42 Logics of knowledge and belief (including belief change)
03B45 Modal logic (including the logic of norms)
68T42 Agent technology and artificial intelligence
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