
Strict, weighted, and mixed topologies and applications. (English) Zbl 0347.46023


46E10 Topological linear spaces of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions
28A10 Real- or complex-valued set functions
28C20 Set functions and measures and integrals in infinite-dimensional spaces (Wiener measure, Gaussian measure, etc.)
30D50 Blaschke products, etc. (MSC2000)
41A65 Abstract approximation theory (approximation in normed linear spaces and other abstract spaces)
43A15 \(L^p\)-spaces and other function spaces on groups, semigroups, etc.
46A03 General theory of locally convex spaces
46A20 Duality theory for topological vector spaces
46E25 Rings and algebras of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions
46H10 Ideals and subalgebras
46H25 Normed modules and Banach modules, topological modules (if not placed in 13-XX or 16-XX)
46L05 General theory of \(C^*\)-algebras
46N99 Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis
Full Text: DOI


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