
Flow in temporally and spatially varying porous media: a model for transport of interstitial fluid in the brain. (English) Zbl 07839908

Summary: Flow in a porous medium can be driven by the deformations of the boundaries of the porous domain. Such boundary deformations locally change the volume fraction accessible by the fluid, creating non-uniform porosity and permeability throughout the medium. In this work, we construct a deformation-driven porous medium transport model with spatially and temporally varying porosity and permeability that are dependent on the boundary deformations imposed on the medium. We use this model to study the transport of interstitial fluid along the basement membranes in the arterial walls of the brain. The basement membrane is modeled as a deforming annular porous channel with the compressible pore space filled with an incompressible, Newtonian fluid. The role of a forward propagating peristaltic heart pulse wave and a reverse smooth muscle contraction wave on the flow within the basement membranes is investigated. Our results identify combinations of wave amplitudes that can induce either forward or reverse transport along these transport pathways in the brain. The magnitude and direction of fluid transport predicted by our model can help in understanding the clearance of fluids and solutes along the Intramural Periarterial Drainage route and the pathology of cerebral amyloid angiopathy.


76Z05 Physiological flows
76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage
76D99 Incompressible viscous fluids
76M12 Finite volume methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics
74F10 Fluid-solid interactions (including aero- and hydro-elasticity, porosity, etc.)
92C35 Physiological flow
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