
On the generalized \(\vartheta\)-number and related problems for highly symmetric graphs. (English) Zbl 1494.05048

Summary: This paper is an in-depth analysis of the generalized \(\vartheta\)-number of a graph. The generalized \(\vartheta\)-number, \(\vartheta_k(G)\), serves as a bound for both the \(k\)-multichromatic number of a graph and the maximum \(k\)-colorable subgraph problem. We present various properties of \(\vartheta_k(G)\), such as that the sequence \((\vartheta_k(G))_k\) is increasing and bounded from above by the order of the graph \(G\). We study \(\vartheta_k(G)\) when \(G\) is the strong, disjunction, or Cartesian product of two graphs. We provide closed form expressions for the generalized \(\vartheta\)-number on several classes of graphs including the Kneser graphs, cycle graphs, strongly regular graphs, and orthogonality graphs. Our paper provides bounds on the product and sum of the \(k\)-multichromatic number of a graph and its complement graph, as well as lower bounds for the \(k\)-multichromatic number on several graph classes including the Hamming and Johnson graphs.


05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs
05E30 Association schemes, strongly regular graphs
05C76 Graph operations (line graphs, products, etc.)
90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks


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