
CFIRM: an integrated code package for the low-temperature plasma simulation on structured grids. (English) Zbl 1541.76004

Summary: This paper presents a recently developed full kinetic particle simulation code package, which is a two-dimensional highly integrated and universal framework for low-temperature plasma simulation on both Cartesian and axisymmetric coordinate systems. This code package is named CFIRM, since it is designed based on the continuous Galerkin immersed-finite-element (IFE) particle-in-cell (PIC) model with the polynomial-preserving-recovery (PPR) technique and the Monte-Carlo-collision (MCC) method. Both the traditional and implicit PIC methods were implemented in the package. Incorporating the advantages of all these methods together, the CFIRM code can adopt explicit or implicit PIC schemes to track the motion trajectory of charged particles and deal with the collisions between plasma and neutral gas. Additionally, it can conveniently handle complex interface problems on structured grids. The CFRIM code has excellent versatility in low-temperature plasma simulation and can easily extend to various particle processing modules, such as the variable weights and adaptive particle management algorithms which were incorporated into this code to reduce the memory utilization rate. The implementation for the main algorithms and the overall simulation framework of the CFIRM code package are rigorously described in details. Several simulations of the benchmark cases are carried out to validate the reliability and accuracy of the CFIRM code. Moreover, two typical low-temperature plasma engineering problems are simulated, including a hall thruster and a capacitively coupled plasma reactor, which demonstrates the applicability of this code package.


76-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to fluid mechanics
35Q70 PDEs in connection with mechanics of particles and systems of particles
65N30 Finite element, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
76X05 Ionized gas flow in electromagnetic fields; plasmic flow


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