
Life-like network automata descriptor based on binary patterns for network classification. (English) Zbl 1457.68253

Summary: We propose a descriptor based on binary patterns extracted from network-automata time-evolution patterns (TEP) aiming to characterize networks. More, in particular, we explore TEPs descriptors from the Life-Like Network Automata (LLNA), a cellular automaton inspired by the rules of the “Life-Like” family that uses a network as tessellation, and based on its dynamics to extract features for network characterization. In recent work, the LLNA has been introduced as a pattern recognition tool that uses a descriptor based on the histograms of complexity measures such as the entropy, word length, and Lempel-Ziv complexity. However, these descriptors correspond to continuous values, and consequently, their histograms lack of an optimal number of bins, which therefore turns out to be a parametric issue. To overcome this disadvantage, we propose a new descriptor that computes feature vectors formed by discrete binary patterns histograms with different lengths \(D\). Furthermore, we show a statistical improvement of the proposed method compared to earlier approaches such as the original LLNA and classical network structural measurements. Our experimental results show the performance improvement of the proposed method in six synthetic network databases and eight real network databases.


68T10 Pattern recognition, speech recognition
68Q80 Cellular automata (computational aspects)


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