
Multi-GPU multi-resolution SPH framework towards massive hydrodynamics simulations and its applications in high-speed water entry. (English) Zbl 07715258

Summary: We propose a multi-phase, multi-resolution SPH method for fluid/solid interaction with multi-GPU implementation and dynamic load balancing following the movement of the refinement regions. The primary design goal of this framework is to maintain the efficiency of the single-resolution SPH model running on a single GPU. To this end, a multi-background mesh is introduced, and the domain is regarded as a nested multi-domain with different resolutions. Validation using both a \(\delta\)-SPH and Riemann SPH model is shown, and applications to the simulation of the water entry of a projectile with a high Froude number are considered, with comparisons to experimental data from three challenging test cases, showing the proposed model’s ability to correctly reproduce the free surface evolution on water entry, the motion of the projectile, and the formation and evolution of multiple cavities depending on entry angle and velocity. An analysis of the computational performance and resolutions achieved (up to 120 million particles) is also provided across several test cases.


76Mxx Basic methods in fluid mechanics
76-XX Fluid mechanics
65Mxx Numerical methods for partial differential equations, initial value and time-dependent initial-boundary value problems
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