
Incorporating quotation and evaluation into Church’s type theory. (English) Zbl 1390.68168

Summary: ctt\(_{\mathrm{qe}}\) is a version of Church’s type theory that includes quotation and evaluation operators that are similar to quote and eval in the Lisp programming language. With quotation and evaluation it is possible to reason in ctt\(_{\mathrm{qe}}\) about the interplay of the syntax and semantics of expressions and, as a result, to formalize syntax-based mathematical algorithms. We present the syntax and semantics of ctt\(_{\mathrm{qe}}\) as well as a proof system for ctt\(_{\mathrm{qe}}\). The proof system is shown to be sound for all formulas and complete for formulas that do not contain evaluations. We give several examples that illustrate the usefulness of having quotation and evaluation in ctt\(_{\mathrm{qe}}\).


68N18 Functional programming and lambda calculus
03B40 Combinatory logic and lambda calculus


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