
Deadlock and liveness characterization for a class of generalized Petri nets. (English) Zbl 1436.90041

Summary: Petri nets (PNs) are widely adopted for modeling flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) since they are an effective tool for analyzing the latter’s dynamic behavior and synthesizing a supervisory controller to make a system deadlock-free. As an important subclass of PNs, the weighted system of simple sequential processes with resources (\(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\)) can be used to model many FMSs well. Based on the initial marking and structural properties of a \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\) without using marking enumeration and state equations, this paper presents a method to check its liveness. We first define two classes of transitions for a resource subnet of \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\), based on which, the relationship between markings and strongly connected resource subnets (SCRSs) is analyzed. Next, functions used to check the liveness of a given \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\) are developed, which take the full advantage of SCRS trees and \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\) structure. It is shown that, by the proposed method, the computational complexity for a subclass of \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\) named \(k\)-sharing bounded \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\) is polynomial. Sufficient conditions to check liveness of a \(\mathrm{WS}^3\mathrm{PR}\) are finally established. Two examples are used to illustrate the results.


90B30 Production models
68Q85 Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.)
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