
Boundary value problems for elliptic functional-differential equations with dilatations and compressions of the arguments. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1006.35100

Trans. Mosc. Math. Soc. 2001, 185-212 (2001); translation from Tr. Mosk. Mat. O.-va 62, 199-228 (2001).
An elliptic functional-differential equation of the form \[ Au(x)\equiv \sum^{\ell_2}_{k= -\ell_1} \sum_{|\alpha |\leq 2m}a_{k \alpha} (x)D^\alpha \bigl(u(q^{-k}x)\bigr)= f(x),\;x\in Q\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n, \]
\[ T_j(x,D)u(x)= g_j(x)\quad (j=1,\dots, m;\;x\in\partial Q), \] \((q>1)\) is said to have dilations \((\ell_1>0)\) and compressions \((\ell_2>0)\) in the arguments. In the case of compressions, the paper uses techniques of pseudodifferential operators and the ‘symbol’ \[ a(x,\xi,\lambda)= \sum^\ell_{k=0} \sum_{|\alpha |=2m}a_{k\alpha} (x) \xi^\alpha \lambda^k \] to prove that the map \[ [A,T_1, \dots,T_m]: H^{s+2m} (Q)\to H^s(Q)\times \prod^m_{j=1} H^{s+2m-m_j-1/2} (\partial Q) \] is Fredholm.


35R10 Partial functional-differential equations
35S15 Boundary value problems for PDEs with pseudodifferential operators
34K10 Boundary value problems for functional-differential equations
35J30 Higher-order elliptic equations